Title: Thor: God of Thunder Issue 25
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Reviewer: @MetropolisKid
Rating: 5/5
I know I’ve reviewed Thor before now, but this is the final issue of the current volume. It makes a great bookend for the twenty-four issues that have come before and sets up the new status quo for the next Thor title that will follow featuring a female Thor. Well written by Jason Aaron, this title has never disappointed and the whole series iw worth shelf room in any nerd’s den.
The title has followed young Thor during Earth’s past, not yet with Mjolnir. Thor in the current MCU, and King Thor in the far future on a desolate Earth in an almost empty universe. The first arc vs the Godkiller was amazing. Thor vs Roxxon/King Thor vs Galactus was brilliant, even young Thor and a dragon one off story was touching and almost brought a tear to my eye. Almost.
Thor’s granddaughters look into Thor’s past, more specifically Malekith’s origin tale. They find a tale of both Thor’s and get a stern warning from King Thor when they read a book they shouldn’t have read. Looking forward to the next volume, with an all new Thor.
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